Delicious Mexican Focaccia x Jalapeno Salsa

Recipe by Christina Laker


500mls lukewarm water

2 tsp dried yeast

1 tsp caster sugar

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (plus four more for greasing)

550gms plain flour

2 tsp course rock salt

1 fresh jalapeno

150ml Gold Gourmet Foods Jalapeño Salsa

50gm butter

2 garlic cloves

¾ cup Mexican blend cheese



  1. Into a mixing bowl add the water, yeast and sugar, mix and rest for five minutes

  2. Add 2 tablespoons of oil, flour and one teaspoon of rock salt into the bowl and stir with a spatula until combined – dough should be a sticky and slightly runny consistency

  3. Grease a large mixing bowl with 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, transfer the focaccia dough into the oiled bowl

  4. Oil hands and gently cover the surface of the dough, loosely place a piece of cling wrap over the top touching the dough

  5. Leave in a warm place for 1 1/2 hours until doubled in size and bubbles have formed on top

  6. Using another tablespoon of olive oil, grease a large baking tray, pour the dough into the baking tray and gently spread it out with oiled fingers to reach each side

  7. Rest for another half an hour until it has risen and bubbled some more

  8. Pre heat the oven to 190 degrees

  9. Finely dice garlic and add to a ramekin with microwaved butter

  10. Pour the GGF Jalapeño Salsa onto the twice risen dough and gently push in with oiled fingertips

  11. Baste the dough lightly with garlic butter and pour on another tablespoon of olive oil being careful not to aggravate the dough

  12. Slice the jalapeno and sprinkle evenly on top along with the cheese

  13. Bake for 20 minutes until cooked through and cheese looks crisp

  14. Allow to cool for 10 minutes before transferring onto a cooling rack

Then get ready to cut and serve. Buen provecho!


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